Friday, June 27, 2008

"This is who I am, this is how I'm made!"

Wow, tonight I heard these words from our 8 year old, darling boy, Cameron! Whoever thought an 8 year old could be so wise. We should all live our lives with this in mind. God created each one of us differently. Special and unique. What more do we need to describe ourselves. This will be good advice when we bring home our precious remind ourselves, family is not created by blood, it is created in HIS image and each one of us shine in His eyes.

I do need to share the previous part of this conversation.
Cameron: "Mom, this is who I am, this is how I'm made. After my 2 hour nap, I'm not that tired. I would like to watch TV to help me fall asleep. Can I? I don't know why this helps me, it is just who I am, how I'm made!"

What more could a mom say? I hope this leaves you smiling from ear to ear!
God bless.

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